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symbols in the environment
1. The image of the monogram in contour black and white and color in the electronic version. Vector original layout + raster formats: JPEG, TIFF, CDR, Ai, EPS, PNG. This package guarantees adaptability of the image for wide application, modification, etc.
2. Compilation of semantic and stylistic description of the monogram.
3. The results of additional work included in the agreement with the Customer on the basis of the pricing policy of the Heraldic Workshop.
4. A painting depicting a monogram, framed in a baguette frame, passepartout, ink-pen or watercolor technique.
The composition of the Premium category Monogram is enriched with additional figures, symbols and ornaments, through which additional meaning is conveyed, the versatility of the Owner’s inner world is revealed. The environment of initials is formed based on your wishes, those ideas, goals, aspirations, qualities that you want to fit into your own symbol.
The hidden meaning of the Monogram and each of its elements will play a huge role for you and your loved ones who know your moral foundations and outstanding features. This is a skilful display of philosophy and accumulated experience, which the Owner wants to pass on to his descendants.
Such a monogram will take an honorable dominant place in personal branding, and will also be a talisman in all spheres of your and your loved ones’ life.
The monogram will convey the originality and fundamental thoughts and declare the uniqueness of its Owner.
The Premium category monogram logo is a composition of an abbreviation or the company name in its entirety, in which additional elements play a significant role. A huge variety of artistic techniques and compositional solutions allow you to reveal several aspects of the company at once: its achievements, scope of activity or set goals and prospects. The letters have an original stylization, and the monogram can be supplemented with both heraldic attributes and various plant motifs, animals and symbols associated with the company.
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