How necessary are business cards?

Business cards would seem to be one of the most essential and paramount items for entrepreneurs, companies or brand representatives. And it really is. However, technological advances do not stand still, so in this article we will talk about the relevance of traditional paper business cards in a digital world and consider modern alternatives.

The popularity of business cards varies from one part of the world to another, with some countries pursuing a strategy of going paperless and going completely digital. Some, on the other hand, are slowing down the adoption of new technology with difficulties with documentation and legalization. Either way, the business cards available today are increasingly at home, because all the contact information fits into any modern smartphone, so it is easy to store and share with other people. Besides, NFC and QR scanning technologies allow to get rid of carrying around not only business cards but also bank and bonus cards. All that said, paper or plastic business cards are becoming more and more obsolete.

Despite this, they are still the most popular way to communicate your contact information to a person. And even with the growing popularity of alternative digital methods, business cards will be the leader for a long time. Above all, this is due to their undeniable advantages: durability, versatility and variety. Business cards do not depend on battery power, can reflect any information and are designed for different categories of people: colleagues, customers, acquaintances. However, business cards have limited space and therefore limited information capacity.

However, the possibilities for business cards have expanded considerably with the advent of QR codes. They make it much more convenient to link to a website, social media or linktree which is especially relevant for media personalities. Moreover, fully electronic business cards that are transmitted from device to device or more advanced business cards with a built-in NFC chip that combine all the advantages of printed and electronic business cards are also gaining popularity.

Either way, business card design requires skills and knowledge of graphic design. Our art studio specializes in creating a thoughtful and elegant style in which you can showcase your benefits as well as develop your corporate or personal brand. Regardless of the type of business card, it remains one of the most sought-after and popular elements of promotional products. In addition, business cards are regularly updated because a person’s or company’s contact information changes as often as the company or person itself.

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