Hugglets – Teddy Toy Show in London

On 18 September, Kensington Town Hall in London will open one of the largest exhibitions of Teddy-style toys. It’s a desired venue for toy makers and toy lovers alike. After all, it’s where one-of-a-kind pieces from artisans from around the world can be purchased to complete your collection. The Hugglets has a prestigious reputation and a high rating, as well as a long history and strict rules for craftsmen.

Hugglets has been running exhibitions for over 30 years. In that time, Hugglets has become one of the largest venues for the promotion of Teddy-style toys. Originally, the venue was created for unique exhibits of Teddy bears – the most popular toys of the 20th century. Today, however, it features a huge variety of animals in the recognizable style: cats, rabbits, bunnies, dogs and many more.

The event will take place on Horton Street, in west London. In addition, the exhibition will also be held online. You can therefore view the exhibits and purchase your favorite work from anywhere in the world. Don’t miss out on this event. After all, only the most unique and high quality works of art will be presented at this exhibition. One of the main rules for the craftsmen who want to show their products – toys must be exclusive and not exhibited before. And selection of participants begins six months before the exhibition. All this is to ensure that collectors and connoisseurs of Teddy-style toys are satisfied and find what they have been looking for for so long.

You can also buy unique toys from our art studio. We use author’s patterns and high quality products, so we guarantee durability and exclusivity of the work. To see the finished work, visit the portfolio on our website. If you want to order the development of the idea of a character, patterns or execution of a toy – fill out the feedback form.

Teddy Toy Show in London

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